Home Assistant binary_sensor description

This is my document about the development of a binary_sensor platform for the Home Assistant project.

If you haven't already read the component description, please do so first.

W800rf32 binary_sensor platform code

Support for w800rf32 binary sensors.

For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at

# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - platform: w800rf32
        name: motion_hall
        off_delay: 5
        device_class: Motion
        name: motion_kitchen
        device_class: Motion



There isn't much change here from the components code, we have added the import from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor because our w800rf32BinarySensor class inherits the HA BinarySensor.

import logging

import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.components import w800rf32
from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import (
from homeassistant.components.w800rf32 import (CONF_FIRE_EVENT, CONF_OFF_DELAY)
from homeassistant.const import (CONF_DEVICE_CLASS, CONF_NAME, ATTR_NAME, CONF_DEVICES)
from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv

We also require the event and dt code to be imported for event time tracking.

from homeassistant.helpers import event as evt
from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


This tells the code we depend on the w800rf32 component code.

DEPENDENCIES = ['w800rf32']

    vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICES, default={}): {
        cv.string: vol.Schema({
            vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string,
            vol.Optional(CONF_FIRE_EVENT, default=False): cv.boolean,
            vol.Any(cv.time_period, cv.positive_timedelta)
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)


Called from: homeassistant.setup

This is where we setup our platform for HA.

Here is the HA checklist for creating a platform. So lets list what we are doing in our platform:

    1. Define a setup_platorm function and pass in the hass object, the config dictionary and the add_entities function.
    2. Setup an an binary_sensor_update function to deal with events.
    3. Import the W800rf32 module
    4. Get the entities from config and add them to the hass object.
    5. Finally add the binary_sensor_update function to the event handler so it is run for every event.

We have already talked about the hass and config objects.
The add_entities function simply registers the entities inside HA. Here. is a description of the entity registry.

def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None):
    """Set up the Binary Sensor platform to w800rf32."""
    import W800rf32 as w800rf32mod
    sensors = []

config[CONF_DEVICES] is an OrderedDict and with a yaml file as described at the top of this page, it looks like this:

      OrderedDict([('name', 'motion_hall'), ('off_delay', datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)), ('device_class', 'motion'), ('fire_event', False)])),
      OrderedDict([('name', 'motion_kitchen'), ('fire_event', True), ('device_class', 'motion')]))])

    # device_id --> "c1 or a3" X10 device. entity (type dictionary) --> name, device_class etc
    for device_id, entity in config[CONF_DEVICES].items():

        if device_id in w800rf32.W800_DEVICES:

        _LOGGER.debug("Add %s w800rf32.binary_sensor (class %s)",
                      entity[ATTR_NAME], entity.get(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS))

For each entity, make a w800rf32BinarySensor object then add it to the hass object with add_entities().
Also keep track of all our entities in w800rf32.W800_DEVICES

        event = None
        device = w800rf32BinarySensor(
            event, entity.get(CONF_NAME), entity.get(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS),
            entity[CONF_FIRE_EVENT], entity.get(CONF_OFF_DELAY))

        w800rf32.W800_DEVICES[device_id] = device



Called from: handle_receive() in component
Returns: None

Binary_sensor_update is called for every incoming event. We run some basic checks then apply the w800rf32.apply_received_command() fucntion from the component code.

    def binary_sensor_update(event):
        """Call for control updates from the w800rf32 gateway."""
        sensor = None

        if not isinstance(event, w800rf32mod.W800rf32Event):

        # make sure it's lowercase
        device_id = event.device.lower()

        # make sure the device is present
        if device_id in w800rf32.W800_DEVICES:
            sensor = w800rf32.W800_DEVICES[device_id]

        if sensor is None:
        elif not isinstance(sensor, w800rf32BinarySensor):
                "Binary sensor update (Device ID: %s Class: %s)",


Handle delay property from YAML file.

        if (sensor.is_on and sensor.off_delay is not None and
                sensor.delay_listener is None):

            def off_delay_listener(now):
                """Switch device off after a delay."""
                sensor.delay_listener = None

evt.track_point_in_time() is a function that tracks the event time which allows us to have an off_delay: property for our binary sensor. dt_util.utcnow() is a time math function.

            sensor.delay_listener = evt.track_point_in_time(
                hass, off_delay_listener, dt_util.utcnow() + sensor.off_delay)

Finally add the binary_sensor_update function to the list of event subscribers so it will be called when an event happens.

    # Subscribe to main w800rf32 events
    if binary_sensor_update not in w800rf32.RECEIVED_EVT_SUBSCRIBERS:

w800rf32BinarySensor class

Called from:

Describe the w800rf32BinarySensor object. This just overrides some of the HA BinarySensor properties and functions to customize it for our sensor object.
w800rf32BinarySensor is used to keep state of each binary sensor and is added in setup_platform().

class w800rf32BinarySensor(BinarySensorDevice):
    """A representation of a w800rf32 binary sensor."""

    def __init__(self, event, name, device_class=None,
                 should_fire=False, off_delay=None):
        """Initialize the w800rf32 sensor."""
        self.event = event
        self._name = name
        self._should_fire_event = should_fire
        self._device_class = device_class
        self._off_delay = off_delay
        self._state = False
        self.delay_listener = None

    def name(self):
        """Return the device name."""
        return self._name

    def should_poll(self):
        """No polling needed."""
        return False

    def should_fire_event(self):
        """Return is the device must fire event."""
        return self._should_fire_event

    def device_class(self):
        """Return the sensor class."""
        return self._device_class

    def off_delay(self):
        """Return the off_delay attribute value."""
        return self._off_delay

    def is_on(self):
        """Return true if the sensor state is True."""
        return self._state

    def update_state(self, state):
        """Fetch new state data for this sensor.
           This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant.
        self._state = state